Sunday, August 7, 2011

Seeing a movie in Japan!

So last weekend I decided to venture out and see the new Harry Potter movie in Japan. There is no movie theater in my city so I had to go to another city called Ebina. Luckily, Ebina is only about 2 1/2 miles from my apartment so I walked there but took the train home. I was afraid this was going to be quite the adventure as I don't speak Japanese but it was fun!
Seeing a movie in Japan is a bit different than seeing one in the States. One of the first big differences is seating. In Japan, you seat is reserved. MANY people buy their ticket ahead of time online.
A tip: Buy you ticket online! It saved me 100 yen AND made the process of getting my ticket SUPER easy even though I don't speak Japanese.
I went to a chain called Toho Cinema. The website was in English and Japanese making it very accessible to foreigners. I bought my ticket online and got a confirmation number. The ticket was 1300 yen which is about $14. This is not bad for a movie in Japan.
A tip: Check out your theater's website to find discount days! They have a few here in Japan. I went on the first of the month which is a discount day as is the 14th and every Wednesday is Ladies Day so women get in for cheap.
I planned out my route and got there early.
A picture of the outside of the theater

The ticket machine
Since I had bought my ticket online, I had to get my ticket from the ticket machine. It was very user friendly and also had some nice English directions :) I then, of course, ventured over to the snacks because what is a movie with no popcorn? They had similar snacks to what we have in the US and then some! My favorite addition was caramel popcorn. There were also foods like churros, sandwiches, nachos, and hot dogs. The candy counter was amazing! There was a separate section where you could buy all kinds of candy. It was all the kind where you create your own bag. Definitely no snowcaps or sour patch kids. I ended up getting just a popcorn and soda.
A tip: Movie snacks in Japan cost less than they do in the States (a paid about $6 for a medium popcorn and soda) so come to the theater ready to eat. It's a really nice treat for yourself.
My popcorn and drink :)
They give you this nifty tray that attaches to your cup holder if you get a popcorn and soda combo. I was already to go have a seat about 15 mins before the movie started. HOWEVER, movie theaters don't generally let you in early. I didn't know this so I had to wait in the lobby for another 10 mins. Since the seating is pre-assigned, they don't let you in until about 3-5 mins before showtime.
Actually watching the movie was also a unique experience. People don't react to the movie at all. If there is a funny part, hold in your laughter as NO ONE will laugh. If you have to cry, sniffle back your tears. It was dead silent the whole time.
A tip: People in Japan stay for the whole movie. That includes the credits. Try not to be the disrespectful one who leaves during the credits.
All in all, it was a very positive experience and I'm sure I will venture out to Ebina again sometime soon to see another movie (on a discount day of course).


  1. What did you think of the movie itself?

  2. I LOVED it!! It was a great end to the Harry Potter series.
