Monday, July 25, 2011

Japanese Skills

When I was first offered the job, they told me not to learn Japanese. They didn't want me to know any so I wouldn't respond to the kids in Japanese. They told me I would be absolutely fine with a very basic knowledge of Japanese. I'd like to take this time to say that they were wrong. Yes, I can survive with my very minimal knowledge of Japanese but I find it hard to do some really simple things. Example: going to a restaurant (and this is the one that frustrates me the most). I can't order or even read the menu. A couple of big chain restaurants have English menus but sometimes, I just want to go to a locally owned bar or restaurant. I'm making it a goal while I'm here to learn a lot more Japanese in my free time. I want to be able to get out there and do things. Not just have to settle with pointing and miming and HOPING we can understand each other. I'm starting to get frustrated that I can't communicate with others or read anything. I know that I will get used to it and learn more as I stay here longer. I just wish that the company had been more upfront about how important learning the language was instead of leading me to believe that most residents had knowledge of basic English from High School and Junior High. I'll keep you posted on the language learning situation.

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